We do our best to provide our services in maximum quality if you have any problems with our products, services or simply have a questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us. We always try to respond to your inquiries in the shortest time possible. Support is NOT available for sites containing objectionable content including but not limited to WAREZ, adult/pornographic material and products/services illegal in Turkey. JOOMLATEMA.NET will be sole arbiter of what it considers 'objectionable content'.

Our support is partially provided during the official (public) holidays.

We provide a multi-language support in 2 languages; English and Turkish. Also, our approach for support is multi-layered to meet as many customer needs as possible.

 Support variations:

    Normal Priority

    No Support

    Extra Paid Services


Normal Priority Support

Support for customers who purchased paid product or services from us. Please note that the answers to these support inquiries may take up to several business days. Generally, we answer such within 3 business day, but it is dependant on our actual capacity. There is no guarantee on the response time.



Visit our Forum system register and start a new thread for corresponding product.


No Support

Support is provided only to paid downloaders or subscribers. We have created a cheap (9.99 USD) download price, which gives you access to our Support Forum System with the Normal Priority as all paid-customers.


We can't guarantee to provide support to users that use the Free version of any of our products because their purpose is to discover the product.


Extra Paid Support

We offer one-on-one support at $29 per hour. Our expert team can solve all manner of Joomla problems. You can choose this if you need guaranteed response time. Here you can order it.


Our business hours are from Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM (UTC +2 or +3) .